Ensemble Division
Entry Deadline: 04/27/25
Literature Requirements :
Small Ensemble: 2-7 performers
Large Ensemble: 8+ performers
Entry Requirements:
Participants must be a US High School percussion ensemble. Entry is limited to one ensemble per school (small or large). Ensemble may be conducted by a director, but may not include the director as a performer. Director must complete and submit an online entry form linked below.
Prior to submitting the form, upload your performance to YouTube as a public or unlisted video. A link to the entry video needs to be shared on the entry form.
Submit a $50.00 entry fee by check or credit card. Directions outlined in the entry form.
All entry fees must be postmarked by 4/27/25 for eligibility.
The video does not have to be a public or concert performance, simply an unedited video recording of the piece performed by the participants.
Although video creativity will not influence the judge's placements, audio/video quality certainly will! Make sure your video can be clearly heard in order to be fairly judged against other competing entries.
An adjudication grading system similar to Rubric Evaluation will be used. Judge's scores will be averaged for a final score. Judges comments will be emailed to all participants after results have been calculated.
Event Coordinator:
Questions can be directed to Nathan Coles at ncoles@blackswamp.com
1st and 2nd place winners for each division will be announced by 5/19/25
2025 Ensemble Division Judges

Ensemble Division Prizes